是what the matter is 还是what is the mat

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:19:28
是what the matter is 还是what is the mat

是what the matter is 还是what is the mat
是what the matter is 还是what is the mat

是what the matter is 还是what is the mat
也就是说the matter 是表语;what 是主语,这本身就是陈述语序了.那么在直接引语转间接引语后,She asked what was the matter.是正确的.但是,有可能这种语序读起来比较拗口,所以也会有She asked me what the matter was的句子出现,应该也不算错.可能2006年吧,重庆市中考题中就出现了what the matter was的正确选项,所以这种说法应该是已经被大家所接受了吧.但从严格的语法意义上来讲,She asked me what was the matter 是正确的.引用一位美国老师的话,可能从日常用法上说明一下:Could you tell me what the matter was?