大客车与小客车同时从A市出发到B市,客车每小时行驶90千米,小汽车第一小时行驶60千米,以后每小时增加5千米,小汽车需要( )小时追上客车?要算式和解释.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:05:29
大客车与小客车同时从A市出发到B市,客车每小时行驶90千米,小汽车第一小时行驶60千米,以后每小时增加5千米,小汽车需要( )小时追上客车?要算式和解释.

大客车与小客车同时从A市出发到B市,客车每小时行驶90千米,小汽车第一小时行驶60千米,以后每小时增加5千米,小汽车需要( )小时追上客车?要算式和解释.
大客车与小客车同时从A市出发到B市,客车每小时行驶90千米,小汽车第一小时行驶60千米,以后每小时增加5千米,小汽车需要( )小时追上客车?

大客车与小客车同时从A市出发到B市,客车每小时行驶90千米,小汽车第一小时行驶60千米,以后每小时增加5千米,小汽车需要( )小时追上客车?要算式和解释.
解释,第一小时大客车比小汽车快30千米,因小汽车每小时增加5千米,那么到(30/5)+1=7小时时,两车速度相等,那么要再经过30/5=6小时时小客车的速度比大客车快30千米,故小汽车需要( 13 )小时追上客车

Once the third overall choose this season, candidates may McKee Lang

McGee, Washington
According to "Washington Post" reported how the recent news how the Minnesota Timberwolves signed...


Once the third overall choose this season, candidates may McKee Lang

McGee, Washington
According to "Washington Post" reported how the recent news how the Minnesota Timberwolves signed second place with their own wish to have no. 6 Washington Wizards, and Javier - Mackey. But "Washington Post" well-known correspondent Michael - Lee has stated that the Wizards have completely no interest.
Lately,wholesale ray ban sunglasses, a source said the Timberwolves desire to sign handle their second location Washington Wizards center McKee no. 6 pick. Nevertheless the Wizards have said,wholesale kids shoes, if related towards the young 7-foot 1-inch-tall center, they don't even bother to speak about. Wizards that, although he's indeed desire a greater choose within the draft pick, however, if related to Mackey's, then a whole factor would merely not within the scope of discussion - the addition to the Wizards, the league still many teams believe that Mackey, the 23-year-old center if this election, then your choose will be set in the fundamental 3-5. Thus, McKee,wholesale headphones, no. 6 choose for second place to sign, no different with the No. 6 choose and third overall for second location sign sign, that is clearly not worthwhile.
Wizards clearly recognize that, with McKee in exchange for rookie isn't worth - Wizards Mackey has been training for 3 a number of now finally emerging, offers to be a great center. Scarce in the current large league center environment, Mackey this talent is very rare. And the Wizards also think that even though only No. 6 pick, they certain can help the c's elected to some rookie. Minnesota isn't a secret you want to do business, they already have the previous games - Michael Beasley and Kevin - Lufkin. Place show preferred Derek - Williams,wholesale Oakley, although strong,wholesale sunglasses, but with slightly Minnesota repeat the current system, so following the workout, Minnesota touches on Ernest - Kantor can also be really interested.


(30/5)*2+1=13小时 解释,第一小时大客车比小汽车快30千米,因小汽车每小时增加5千米,那么到(30/5)+1=7小时时,两车速度相等,那么要再经过30/5=6小时时小客车的速度比大客车快30千米,故小汽车需要( 13 )小时追上客车

小客车行驶距离:60+(60+5)+(60+5*2)+。。。+(60+5*(X-1))=60X+5*(1+(X-1))/2 =60X+2.5X*(X-1)


小客车行驶距离:60+(60+5)+(60+5*2)+。。。+(60+5*(X-1))=60X+5*(1+(X-1))/2 =60X+2.5X*(X-1)



大客车与小客车同时从A市出发到B市,客车每小时行驶90千米,小汽车第一小时行驶60千米,以后每小时增加5千米,小汽车需要( )小时追上客车?要算式和解释. 大客车与小客车同时从A市出发到B市,客车每小时行驶90千米,小汽车第一小时行驶60千米,以后每小时增加5千米,小汽车需要( )小时追上客车? 大客车和小汽车同时从A、B两地相对开出,60分钟相遇.已知大客车速度是小客车速度的2/3.当小汽车到A地时,大客车还要走多少分钟才到B地? A、B两地相距161千米.一辆客车与一辆货车同时由A地开往B地,客车每小时行38千米,货车每小时比客车慢14千米.客车到达B地,用半小时上下客,便返回A地,途中与货车相遇,问两车从出发到相遇共用 应用题(思维拓展)大小辆了客车分别从AB两地同时相向开出,大小客车速度比是4:5,两车开出4小时相遇,相遇后继续前进,问大客车到达B地比小客车到达A地晚几小时? A、B两地相距800千米,客、货车同时从A地到B地,客车每小时行60千米,货车每小时行40千米…………客车到达B地又立即返回,在途中与货车相遇.客车从出发到相遇行了多少小时? 最好能用比例解,实在不行用算术方法!1..A,B两地相距60千米,甲、乙两人同时从A地出发到B地.甲乘大客车,乙驾驶小轿车.大客车的速度是小轿车的九分之五,乙比甲早到32分钟.求大客车和小轿车 小客车 中客车 大客车 价格 尺寸当房车车内空间,从驾驶室后背算. 大 小客车分别从甲乙两地同时相向开出,大小客车速度比是4:5,两车开出2.5小时后相遇,并继续前进大客车比小客车晚几小时到达目的地? 大、小客车从甲、乙两地同时相向开出、大小客车的速度比是4:5两车开出60分钟后相遇然后继续前进大客车比小客车晚多少分钟到达目的地. 甲骑车的速度是乙步行的3倍,二人同时从A地出发到B地,同时丙从B地出发到A地.甲行9千米与丙相遇(题目见下甲骑车的速度是乙步行的3倍,二人同时从A地出发到B地,同时丙从B地出发到A地.甲行9 大小客车从甲、乙两地同时相向开出,大小客车的速度比是4:5,两车开出60分钟后相遇,然后继续前进大客车比小客车晚多少分钟到达目的地?方法 大小客车从甲、乙两地同时相向开出,大小客车的速度比是5:4,两车开出60分钟后相遇,然后继续前进.大客车比小客车早( )分钟到达 今晚10点前作出回答 大小客车从甲乙两地同时相向开出大小客车的速度比是4:5,两车开出60分钟后相遇,然后继续前进,则大客车比小客车晚多少分钟到达目的地? 大小客车从甲乙两地同时相向像方向出发大小客车速度比是四比五两车开出六十分钟后相遇然后继续前进的大客车比小客车辋多少分钟到达目的地 大小两客车从甲乙两地同时相向开出,大小客车的速度比为4:5,两车开出后60分钟相遇,并继续前进,大客车比小客车晚( )分钟到达目的地. 大小客车从甲乙两地同时相向开出,大小客车的速度比为4:5,两车开出后60分钟后相遇并继续前进,大客车比小客车晚多少分钟到达目的地? 两地相距120千米大车与小车同时从 甲地出发 乙知大车速度为56有3分之2 小客车的速度为大客车的1有2分之1甲乙两地相距120千米.大客车与小客车同时从甲地出发 到乙地大客车速度为56有3分之2