
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:52:08
已知点A,B,C的坐标分别为A(3,0),B(0,3),C(cosα,sinα﹚,α∈(∏/2,3∏/2)①若|AC|=|BC|,求角α的值②若AC·BC=-1,求2sin²α+sin2α/1+tanα的值 I my English books in my schoolnag A.put B.colour C.find D.put on 回答英语问题:I ___ the schoolbag are my books.快速,马上,英语高手上,thank you very much! 我的书包里有一些书 除了There are some books in my schoolbag.用英语还可以怎么说 写一写英语作文:My schoolbag1.书包特征,可从形状,颜色,制作材料等方面描述2.书包的功能与用途3.你对书包的情感.帮帮忙! (高中)复合函数的值域怎么求? 复合函数值域问题!宸茬煡鍑芥暟拢(x)=1/(x+1)+lg(1-x)/(1+x)瑙e叧浜巟镄勪笉绛夊纺拢[x(x-1)] 关于复合函数求值域的方法像有对数函数、指数函数、幂函数、分式函数等等的复合函数的方法 如何求复合函数的值域说出步骤来,并举几道例题 Excuse me Is there a department near here Excuse me Can you tell me __ __ __ the department store? 如图,AB=AD,AC=AE,角DAB=角CAE.角C与角相等吗?为什么? There are two banks next to i__.One of two is a __from the department store,and t__o__is on the c__There are two banks next to i__.One of two is a __from the department store,and t__o__is on the c__of the street.OK.Let me s__you .Go s__a__and t__left 如图所示,∠DAB=∠CAE,且AB*AD=AE*AC,问图中有与∠ADE相等的角吗?若有请找出来,并说明理由. I've looked for my pen [ ].but I can't find it [ ].A;anywhere,somewhereB;everywhere,anywhereC;somewhere,everywhereD;everywhere,everywhere必须有理由 I can't find my pen.I'm l_ for it._ 里填什么拜托 急 I can't find my pen.Oh!______.Is it yours?A、Here are one is B、Here's a red one C、Here it is a red one请问大虾该选哪个? I can't find my pen. Whiot( )?打错了,是whoit there is not enough_______for people on earth by the year 2100.A.rooms B.spaces C.room D.jobs 已知sin(π+a)=4/5且a是第三象限的角,则cos(2π-a)的值是多少?RT.有解题过程更好~谢谢各位 i ____you not to move my dictionary-----now i can not find itA,asked B.ask C.was asking D.had asked为什么 用不定代词填空:Maybe ()put my dictionary (),i can't find it ()请用不定代词填空~, 初一数学;已知A(x,y)在第四象限,它的坐标满足x,y方程组 (3x-y)/2+y=(1+3k)/2 ,2(x-1)-3(y+2)=2k并且x-y I can't find my dictionary.I wonder whether Mary ____it now.A have B has C is having D had 请问选哪个为什么谢谢 I ___you not tomore my dictionary ,not i can't find itA.asked B.had asked 我选的是B,是错误的.为什么错?答案A为什么是对的? [(x-3)^(-2)]+[2(3x-6)^(-2)]有意义,求x的取值范围 复数的二次方程如何求解? 填空 the room is crowded __people.with和by选一个, 如果用by 会变成什么意思呢? 四十五分之三十,四十五分之十二,四十五分之三约分成最简分数 把下列分数约分成最简分数 (1)七十七分之二十二 (2)六十分之三十六 (3)一百五十分之一百二十 60分之75约分成最简分数后是多少?我之前填了14分之15,老师打我错.那么正确是多少呢? CAD图纸左右对称的两个孔,我标这个孔尺寸,写个2-,图上画出中心线,右边的孔就不标了,表示对称,可以 数学..怎么分角边角和角角边,还有边边角?