
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:38:03
Lynn is leaving for Amercia next week.We are getting ready for school.都改为同义句改同义句的要点。一边下一次遇到这种题 Can you get some for you? 1.列句Alex:C'est ton sac,Rose?Rosa:Qui,c'est mon sac.1.Alex:Ce sont_______,Meike?物品:T-schirtMeike:Qui,ce sont _________.2.Alex:Christophe et Rose,____________________.物品:钥匙Christophe et Rose:Qui,_______________3.Alex:Meike et Rose,_ 急求介绍奥斯卡的英语短文 英语翻译用英文介绍奥斯卡,附翻译 It is ____ for me to finish the work.The work is too hard (请说明原因)A.easy B.dfficult C.easily D.difficultly It is hard (完成) the work求解答 辛亥革命中“驱除鞑虏,恢复中华”的鞑虏指什么? 驱除鞑虏,恢复中华.谁提出的? Classes are over.I can get some fruit for you.是什么意思?帮我 He usually ( )(放松)for half an hour after running 空格填什么 今天我们深切缅怀孙中山等革命先驱的历史功勋有何现实意义? 请大家帮我起个英文名.我的名字有个燕字的,最好是简单、好记的.本人英文不好,最好能把读音也写一下。 我的名字是2个字的,后面有个燕字,什么英文名好?我性格比较活泼! To keep a pet __time and ___money ,so I never have one a home . 将I have ever gone to beijing.改为否定句是家never还是not 23.It is high time we ________ home.A.will go B.would go C.have gone D.went 选什么?为啥? I have read half the book already.中the可以放在half前面吗?为什么为什么为什么为什么 你到过多少个中国的名胜 How many __ __ in China have you been to She said it's good for you.中的it's是it is 还是it was, what she said is good for you啥意思 要能让我理解的 别用软件 Let me get you some fruit的意思 驱除鞑虏,恢复中华 用英语怎么说 钓鱼的启示.想一想为什么“我”不愿意把鲈鱼放回湖里,而父亲却坚持要“我”这么做.. 面试中英文自我介绍怎么说? “获得奥斯卡奖的是?”这句话用英文到底怎么说? work more or play more?没中文提示.120字左右 你到过多少个中国的名胜?How many____________________? 改写句子:She is brushing her teeth.(用every evening改写)能改写成she is brush her teeth in every evening.主要是给我讲讲改写的原因. 中国的孩子压力太大英语怎么说 The children in China are _____ too much _____ 求长城中英文对照介绍, 父亲盯着鲈鱼看了好一会儿,然后把目光转向了我:“孩子,你得把它放回湖里去.”(改成第三人称转述)怎么写