
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 16:30:15
"Don't play on the road ,MIKe.'the policeman said,改为同义句 女:I LOVE YOU I WANT YOU I hold YOU 、男:I DON‘T CAN英文歌、跳爵士用的、谢谢 中译英:“四季”翻译成英文! 翻译英语 昆明是一个四季如春的城市 谁能帮忙把 “四季通风设备有限公司”翻译成英语,现在开公司要用!非常感谢啊! 65._____________(not play) football on the road. Nothing succeeds without a strong will We will ___________ play football on the road __________ ___________. 英语翻译Noting Succeeds Without a Strong Will“Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will” is accumulated experience we inherited from our forefathers.It stands to reason that persistence is vital to success; nevertheless,one’s end can never be 四级作文题目nothing succeeds without a strong will 难道不是个病句嘛...如题……真心求解. it is still a eternal truth that nothing succeeds without a strong will.这句话有语法错误吗? give the right word according to the meaning1.b() at the back of2.r() a person who runs in a race3.d() not the same4.d() not easy5.s() say in a loud voice6.e() at any time7.e() what you say or write to explain why you are done something On the bus,Tom sees his uncle w______ his son.在横线部分天上正确的单词,要w打头的. 改错 Which city does he live The students celebrate his holiday y a his party for him does he live on the city?哪里有错 If you really want to buy that computer,I can get them ___ the price downA bringB to bringC bringingD brought this+jacket+is+100+yuan+and+that+one+is+101+yuan+there+is+not+much+difference+in+price什么意思%D%A 德语ewig和für immer的区别用法、程度上都有什么区别? 求一篇燃情岁月的英文简介希望是那种比较短小但概括性强的 电影“燃情岁月”怎样? 一个矩形草地的长比宽多12m,面积为540㎡,若设宽为xm,则可列方程为 我会让今后的每一天充满精彩 麻烦给翻译成中文:英文翻译太多了吧~到底哪个更好啊~大家给我说下~ 长方形绿地的长.宽分别是am,bm,如果长增加xm,新增加的绿地面积是多少平方米,急,必有重谢 What city does your aunt live---- A.in B.at C./ D.from 山东在中国的地位如何不要山东人回答 文静的英文 文静的英文是什么? 已欲立而立人,已欲达而达人. 巴以冲突中为什么以色列经常被描述为正义的一方 对于巴以冲突,哪些国家支持巴勒斯坦,哪些国家支持以色列 东营学英语213850757 欢迎喜欢英语的东营朋友们加入互相交流 我想知道东营有没有学英语的地方,而且价格不高