
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:00:19
May God have mercy on your soul如果有人对我说这个 我应该说啥 May God have mercy on you my Your helplessness,me have mercy on. 有一首歌 歌词有we are sing we are dance we aresinging in the sky 歌名告我 dnf合天空有人说用节日套合不出天空?是真是假啊?有人用节日套合出过天空吗?有人合出来过吗?就好像这次的51劳动节套,我的朋友告诉我合出的几率非常低,基本合不出天空,郁闷.难道真的合不 过去完成时有和be动词一起的句子吗?请举例He had been a doctor for threee years 英语翻译It's a real cocker. 在线,English-speaking role怎么通俗翻译?另外,电影中某演员在电影中opposite谁谁,这个opposite怎么理解啊? 英语翻译Applicants should normally hold a recognized Bachelor's degree and preferably a recognized teacher's qualification,or equivalent.Shortlisted applicants may be required to attend an interview/test.Applicants whose entrance qualification is No news is good news,as the saying goes. Are You Saying What You Think You’re Saying翻译 移植的器官,其dna是不变的吗?和移植的人有什么关系? 现在学什么语种比较好?想学门外语.(非英语) 请大家帮我推荐一门欧洲语言作为我的第三外语本人第一外语为英语,学习时间已13年有余;二外日语,水平大致相当于新JLPT的N3(旧的3级考过以后又学了三个月)。现在本人想选一门欧洲 to cock his 用连词改写句子,1)He bought his own shop in 1958.He made spare parts in his twenties.(and)2) Alice hurried to the bus station.She failed to catch the bus.(but)3) I looked them angrily.They paid no attention to me.(but) Army Day learn to stand的意思 Army Day learn to stand的意思 Jane didn't say anything a and left同义句 everyone here________ (know) her 英文填空 Everyone_____here._____her. Her answers___everyone hereA.surprised B.surprising C.were suprised D.were surprising It will turn green.这里为什么用turn不用become It will turn green.是变绿还是变成绿的 72.答案上是turn green 写成become green对吗 time management skills这个短语是什么意思如题. That's anA old English book B English old bookCnice pencil caseD pencil case ___ everyone here?Sorry,I don't know AIs ,don't B Does,don't This is _______"M" and that's __________ "U".A.a,a B.an,an C.a,an D.an,a It is an"u "and that is a "s"中的an和a是否填对? How does your friend like soap operas?(改为同义句)_____does your friend _____ _____soap operas? It provides insight into the role that an beliefs may play in organization.that 引导的是什么从句? For HIV-positive people,the organization provides peer support,home care,financial aid and temporary accommodation.中文意思?