
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:06:08
13.____ their children,the old couple live a very happy life.A.Be proud of B.Proud of C.Take pride in D.Taking pride for It was _____ he was ill _____ he didn't come to school.A.as,so B.when,that C.because,that D.for ,why答案是C,求讲解及其他选项的错误之处 Are you m---- yes.l'm live a happy life.空格填什么 Mary is ______ the phone now.You can ask Tommey to help you come to help Mary? W:Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?M:That's the last thing in theW:Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?M:That's the last thing in the world I would ever want to do.男的到底要不要爬山? 什么是论文?论文该怎么写?一般都怎样开头?是与说明文的题目类型差不多? 介绍清明节的文章(说明文)的开头是那种介绍清明节习俗的文章.不是扫墓的文章! 作文 说明文 小鱼削笔器 开头怎么写? 怎样注册You tube 以人为本用英语怎么说? 以人为本和谐互利的科学发展观用英语怎么说 When the waitress came back,she began wiping down the table and then swallowed hard at what she saw.句中为什么要用wiping down 现在分词形式? 8.we've kept this seat for you.it's__comfortable chair we have.a:the more b:the mostc:the very much d:much too 我朋友女生,中文名陈晨,想要个英文名,诸位帮下忙, 在酒吧里和外国人聊天,聊些什么好呢?为了和外国人聊天练习口语,我打算每周去一个酒吧,寻找外国人聊天,他们喜欢在这种场合下谈些什么话题呢?什么样的话题能让他们觉得有兴趣,而且感觉 为什么我总是能感受到她的心情 All this will have a lost time 46.There is nothing _____ to be said.(far) 47._____,I think he is dishonest,but many people trust him.(person) 48.He is _____ of the danger of his position.(sense) 49.The umbrella _____ me to stay dry in the rain.(unable) 50.One of the most _____ are There is nothing further to be There__nothing to said,she kept silent.A.being B.is C.was D.be 应该选哪个啊,原因是什么呢.经过我的多方查阅,我明白了。多谢kevinyb的提醒让我想到了独立主格结构。其实应该这样解释的:首先我们会想 八项质量管理原则及实践运作质量体系课的作业 亲情是人间至纯的感情,7年5班要举办一次”家——温暖的港湾“的主题活动,如果你是此次的主持人,在活动开始时,主持人要用一些表达游子对国家眷恋的诗句引出主题,你会选择哪些诗句?请 It's___expensive way,but it's___comfortable.A.most,most B.more,more C.the most,themost连带翻译, 亲情是人间最真挚而美好的情感之一.家庭是一个人成长的摇篮.(作文) He is said to have worked there.意思是:据说他已经在这里工作了 ,还是他在这里工作过 企鹅什么意思啊 他们常说的!企鹅!是什么意思? 英语翻译Abstract:During the last two decades,there has been a growing interest in component-based software system (CBSS) development both in academia and in industry.In CBSS development,it is common to identify software modules first.Once they ar we can see some tigres in the forest,该一般疑问句 can yuo see kites in the sky?A;any B:some c:much 四、单句改错.( )1.I can't see some kites in the sky.______ - ----- --- ---- A B C D( ) 2.Who's skirt is this?Is it Mary's?______------- -- ---- ----A B C D( ) 3.Lily often get up early in Saturday morning.------- ------ --- ------------