
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:45:49
用billions of造句,谢谢,一直等,快点,急 深()浅() (必须填反义词) I (work )__in the Human Resources Department since I joined the company five months ago 怎么做 反义词的成语深( )浅( ) 转( )为( ) ( )尽( )来知道的来答. billions of dollars 什么意思 hundreds of billions of dollars是什么意思?如题. obtain procure有何区别?obtain procure都有“获取,得到”的意思,那么它们之间在语义上具体有哪些细微的差别呢? get.gain.obtain.acquire区别 辨析:acquire obtain gain 三角形,面积是0.84公顷,已知底是250米,它的高多少? Larry saw that it wouldn't do any good ---with him.A.to argueB.argueC.arguedD.having argued 英语翻译the uncle saw to it that the two boys received a good education. is years since I saw a game as good as that.这句话怎么翻译? 长方体ABCD-A‘B’C‘D’中,角BAD’=角B‘A’C‘=30 球AA’与BC‘所成角的大小 在长方体ABCD -A'B'C'D'中,AB=BC=1,AA'=更号2.求B'C与AD'所成角的大小. your sister —— ever———(visit)europe before my mother ____ never _____(see) the filmI ______(not send) the email yet ,so I must send it right now. 胃的读音有几个? Obtain obtain的含义我见到同一本教参上的两个版本:1.obtain:着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西2.obtain:指没有付出很大努力而获得于是我懵了……能解释下它到底怎么回事不? obtain请解释 obtain的中文意思 increase obtain什么意思 长方体ABCD-A'B'C'D'中,AB=BC=4,AA'=6.求BD'与AC所成的角的余弦值. (急!求立体几何解析)已知长方体ABCD-A'B'C'D'中.AB=AD=2*根3,AA'=2.(1)求BC和A'C'的角所成的度数(2)AA'和BC'所成的度数 麻烦写下过程了 已知长方体ABCD-A'B'C'D'中,AB=2根号3,AD=2根号3,AA'=2,已知长方体ABCD-A'B'C'D'中,AB=2根号3,AD=2根号3,AA'=2,1.AC和A'D'所成的角是多少度?2.DD'和A'B所成的角是多少度 一块三角形地,面积是0,72公顷,己知底是240米,高是多少米? 一项工程,甲乙合作4天可以完成工程的2分之1,乙丙合做4天可完成工程的3分之2,丙丁合作12天可完成那么甲丁合作几天可以完成?急 在长方体ABCD-A'B'C'D'中,AB=2,BC=1,DD'=3,则AC与BD'所成角的余弦值为多少? 若长方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,AB=2,BC=1,CC1=1则异面直线DC1与AC所成角的余弦值为 在长方形ABCD-A,B,C,D,中,已知AB=A,BC=B,AA,=C(A>B),求异面直线D,B和AC所成角的余弦值 it is not raining but pouring翻译 麻烦快点thank you His father as well as you ()their work A are pleaHis father as well as you ()their workA are pleased forB is pleased withC are pleased ofD are pleased for