
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:46:49
初中数学锐角三角函数的定义合理吗?在华师大第二十五章解直角三角形中,对锐角三角函数是这样定义的:"锐角∠A的正弦、余弦、正切、余切,统称为锐角∠A的三角函数."这里能用:"统称"二 Promise that you'll survive,that you won't give up.的宾语是什么?这个句子中宾语从句时由什么引导的? l promise that l won’t hurt you again 找朋友做道英语阅读理解 (最好给解释 Ask there people to look out the same window at a busy street corner tell you what they see.Chances are you will receive three different answers.Each person sees the same scene,but each perceives s When a family takes time to eat a meal together,often there isn’t enough time to prepare the food.That is why fast food is so popular in North America.People spend about 40% of their dollars on fast food.Fast food is food such as pizza,sandwiches,o 英语阅读理解球解释50题文章第一句不是说那个人在2001年成为第一个登上那个星球的人后来才想要在弄两个人上去吗,后来文章就将,可是B的意思不是说第一个登上星球的人就是那两个人什么? Tom is taking photos with a c______ 求英语高手帮我做一道英语的阅读理解.并注明解释.How men first learned to invent words,the origin of language,is a mystery.What we really know is that men,unlike animals,invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings,acti He is taking a photo with a camera用中文怎么说 a with they photos are camera taking 连词成句 翻译:She's taking photos with her new camera. we well send our homework to our teacher by e-mail用send sb. Everyone will send their homework to the teacher___email?A to B by C with D on 有相关的知识介绍更好 Everyone will send their homework to the teacher by email.画线部分提问_____ _____ everyone send their homework to the teacher?忘了,画线部分是by email ____ will you send your homework?I will send it by email.(A.How B.What C.Why) 当你看到太阳升起的时候有什么四词语 2012还有多少天能看到太阳升起?距离2012地球毁灭世界末日,还有多少天能看到太阳升起?倒计时开始…… 已知等腰三角形的周长为16cm,且两边之差为2cm,求三角形个边的长已知等腰三角形的周长为16cm,且两边之差为2cm,求三角形个边的长.不要用2元一次方程,还没学 shall/will+动词原形 将下面句子ju下例子I______(play)football tomorrow. 当太阳升起时这课阅读狮子和羚羊后的体会 太阳升起的变化早上太阳是怎么升起的?光线怎么样?中午呢?傍晚呢?是如何落下的?我要写作文. 戴安娜王妃为什么这么受人们的关注&爱戴?她做过什么事情? 一般将来时will+动词原形 和begoing+动词原形 将来进行时与will +动词原形的比较将来进行时与will +动词原形的区别? will+动词原形表将来,和 用现在进行时表将来 有什么区别呢? I ______to be there last week 选什么1、I ______to be there last weekA.happen B.happened C.take place D.took place2、Bad luck happened ______ me .I failed the exam!A.on B.to C.of D.at there will be a stamp show in the museum ____ we visited last week .Awho Bwhen C which D what There will be a flower show in the park____ we visited last week.A.who B.when C.what D.whichthere be不是用that吗? 你曾经撒过谎吗?用英语怎么说今晚就要!急··· 原谅我,又一次撒了谎 用英语怎么说, 已知等腰三角形的腰长比底边多2CM,并且它的周长为16CM.求这个等腰三角形的边长 等腰三角形的周长为16cm,一腰上的中线将三角形分成周长差为2cm的两个三角形,求等腰三角形的个边长