
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:06:01
根据首字母和提示填空 4.Parrots are the most u____pets. It () that no one knows what happened to him A.seemed B.seems C.looks D.looked parrots are the most interesting pets,改为同义句parrots are _____ _____ _______the other pets. 为什么魔方格进不去?呜呜,你们试一试. 为什么进不去魔方格了 However,that has become more difficult to meet him.改错 His doctor( )(advise)him ( )(not to)like that any more.用过去时 "肉体虽早已腐朽化为乌有,生之灵火却悄然潜行在地下\“一句的含义是什么? 听到声音的条件有哪三个 在肉体虽早已腐朽化为乌有这一节当中,是以那句话展开的 仿造肉体虽早已腐朽化为乌有,生之灵火却悄然潜行在地下写一句话 根据给出的字母填单词,使句意完整 To improve your writing in English,you should do t___ thingTo improve your writing in English,you should do t___ thing.Your teacher show you where you make mistakes and how to c___them. my home is not f___ from my school 英语翻译 worked in an office in London,but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day.The station was not very far from his office,and always went on foot,and he always went along the same street.Every evening he 英语翻译young man was getting ready to graduate from college.For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom,and knowing his father could well afford it,he told him that was all he wanted.As Graduation Day approached, 英语翻译收获一份感动与欣慰 英文翻译 英语翻译今天学习做手动补货,知道了手动补货的标准及注意事项.但是由于对仓库货品不熟悉,导致花费了很长时间.加强对货品的熟悉,是下阶段的工作重点.很多顾客是清楚自己想要什么样的 英语翻译守住承诺,就像天空守住蔚蓝与明净;守住承诺,就像大地守住雄厚与辽阔;守住承诺,就像骏马守住剽悍与健壮.飞雪守住了对大地的承诺,于是有了雪花片片,玉树琼枝;花儿守住了对 understood that treasures me the No More Begging Sorry Sometimes,sorry no 《老王》叙述的事情较多,作者是怎样组织的?文章的线索是什么? The only person I know who has a skeleton in the cupboard is George Carlton,and he is very proud你说I know相当于插入语,插入语不都是用逗号隔开吗 人们听到声音的条件是什么? i start know,Friends don't like bf is the only to a really true. 人们听见声音的条件是什么 要听到声音有哪三个条件? 补全下列短语或句子 the tall tree the small tree 问几个正比例的问题1.存款利息一定,本金和利息成不成正比例?为什么?2.圆的直径和相应的半径 (成不成正比例,为什么?)3.圆锥的体积一定,它的底面积和高.(成不成正比例,为什么?)4.正方 Susan kept quiet about the accident.She didn‘t want to lose her job.(合并成一句)速度, 初三英语几个疑问1.一直讲的be popular in,为什么这句是football is popular on the world.用on?讲下on 与in the world,最好有例句.2,in bed ,on bed...要例句. 文言文翻译 “恕侃侃论列无少避”