
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:56:16
drop in at 和drop in to 有什么区别On the way back home ,Peter will ---- his uncle's house.答案为什么是drop in at ( )之心——路人皆知 drop in at和drop in to到底什么区别drop in be located in /on/to/at/by的区别 如题,有那几个词组是对的,有什么区别,我记得有他们的意思不一样的,有的是在范围之内 ,有的是 两地相邻 还有两地相隔或相邻的区别, Lana used to be quiet,的反义疑问句是什么? can be的反义疑问句1 I don’t think he can be a teacher2 He can swim at the swimming pool yesterda3 He can be at school now(这三个can都是表推测的,变反义疑问句怎么变?为什么?在具体的讲一下can的用法呗谢谢(关于 烟感报警器线路图拜托了各位 谢谢 choss the right words to finish the questions.Then answer the questions with the given words意思 answer the following questions with the words given in thebrackets.翻译成中文是什么意思 拜伦的诗歌 When we two parted 谁有英文的准确的要 苹果专用报警器如何安装? 怎么样烟感报警器才有感应 化工换热器 多少瓦的电机啊新日600R电机代码XDYW 13R488006419 380T什么意思;我想知道是多少瓦的电机;谢谢 35瓦的电机最大能用多少伏的电压 烟感报警器的烟的浓度是多少 最大单相电机多千瓦? I go to school ________ my father's bike.(A) by(B) in(C) on(D) 其他 正确答案是:__________并说明理由 怎样分析 I remembered the day my father taught me how to ride a bycycle 这句 My father (ride) his bicycle to the countryside last weekend.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 ( ) do you learn to ride a bike?-------My father teaches me Awho Bwhy Chow “期”字的古今翻译是什么? 按用途分换热器分为哪几类? 家用烟感报警器装在什么位置合适 为什么三七要在阴的环境下生长 write sentences with a superlative(用最高级写句子)用上以下的单词1.Sydeny Brazil Everest Jupiter Alaska the Nile2.city country planet state river mountain3.large long hight4.Australia the USA the solar system Africa South America the long live chairman mao 为什么不用第三人称单数 QUOTATIONS FROM CHAIRMAN MAO TSE TUNG怎么样 勇敢 聪明 狡猾 沉着 坚强 哪一个不属于同一类的词语? long year chairman man ,long long year chairman mao这句话是毛主席万岁的意思吗.确定语法是这样吗?如有错 正确的应该是什么 Read after me,Long live Chaiman Mao 勇敢 顽强 聪明 沉着 狡猾 中不一类的词语