
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:37:06
急,英语阅读高手求救. 谁会翻译?You can not be at something with nothing. I agree with most of what you said.But ldon't agree with ___.A anything B something C nothing D eI agree with most of what you said.But ldon't agree with ___.A anything B something C nothing D everything as well as 与as good as 的区别?they had a nothing with you 翻译:An elephant usually moves slowly,but it can go 40kilometers an hour when it runs fast 英语阅读,高手快来啊!~~~ A train runs 150 kilometers an hour(对150 kilometers 提问)疑问词是什么_______ ___________A train runs 150 kilometers an hour(对150 kilometers 提问)疑问词是什么两个单词_______ ___________A train runs 150 kilometers an hou The train runs ( ) 160 kilometers an hour填介词 开始是I start with nothing now I have something有谁知道这歌吗 选择.What's wrong with you ___ .Don't worry .A.Something bad B.Bad something C.Nothing badD.Bad nothing 简答题:你觉得我们伟大的祖国的哪些方面值得你自豪? 哪位高手帮我做英语阅读A We can also call Children’s Day “June 1 International Children’s Day.June 1 is the world of Children’s festivals every year.In November,1949 and in the Women’s Meeting,China and other countries were angry Who will take part in the English Speaking Competition will be announced at tomorrow's meeting翻译 my father often drives his car( ) his office He doesn't________(感觉好,心情好)today,because he doesn't____(感觉身体好,没 Lietsn to me. I have __to tell you. A reward the bank gives you just for storing your money with them翻译成英语单词是什么(8个字母) 要尽快 我马上就要 物理化学应用论文活实验报告 怎么写运用物理知识解释生活中的现象或解决生活中的问题 写成应用论文或实验报告运用化学知识通过实验解释生活当中的现象活解决生活当中的问题 写成应 物理化学科技论文怎么写 Do the family go there on foot英文翻译 用括号所给单词适当形式填空1.my pears are on the table.what about ( )(his)1 .my pears are on the table.what about ( )(his)2.Those pens are ) (his) 用木条做一个长方形框长20厘米宽16厘米,如果把它拉成一个长为底,高为8厘米的平行四边形,这个平行四边形的周长和面积各是多少 学科物理化学哪个重要我初三了,数理化不行,我要去补课,数学是一定补的,物理和化学二选一来补,我是一对一补课,60元一个钟,我们家多了负担不起,二选一补哪科好?(我物理化学成绩差不多 已知半衰期10h,求分解90%需多久 物理化学知识在材料学科中的应用? 物理化学还与许多非化学的学科相联系,为什么也能称为物理化学呢? 英语翻译 英语翻译宝儿,生日快乐,我的名字叫...(画中的签名是本人的笔名),我来自中国辽宁,仰慕你已久了.十月十九日你来北京我也去看了,那是我第一次看到你的现场演出,我太激动了 这次你过生日, 英语翻译 英语翻译Dawn gave a yawn as the sun began to burn its horizon on the lower lip of the mouth of a new day. What does this