
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:13:20
在一张长方形的白纸上划七条直线,最多能把这张纸分成几快 The house I grew up ( )has been taken down and replaced by an office building.A in it B in C in that D in which答案为什么是in而不是in which? Themost inmportant thing about cotton in history is ______part that it playde in _____Industrial Revolution.A /;/ B the;/ C the;the D a;the说说为什么? 英语翻译我不知道此刻他忙不忙 要自己翻译!英语 我知道他不是马力 我不知道他是马力 怎么翻译 a_bike自行车530好骑吗?a-bike折叠自行车好吗 bike指的是自行车还是摩托车? 谁买过那个最小的自行车a-bike,怎么样?看淘宝上很火,感觉挺小的,感觉怎么样?价格在2、3百左右的质量可以吗? 迷你A-BIKE自行车速度如何,和普通自行车的速度比是不是很慢? a-bike自行车8寸的好骑不好骑啊?想入手一辆.可担心轮子太小骑起来费劲. 用恰当的疑问词,对括号部分进行提问tom like (playing chess)with his friends. 有一张长方形纸上画直线,观察直线的条数和将长方形纸分的最多块数之间的关系.画100条能分成几部分呢,请列式计算.规律:n条等于?填空 (--- + --- )---× ÷2 What _____(do)she uaually ___(do) on weekends? Raccoon against the law to keep in many states in the U.S.翻译 It was against the law to take the money back from him.zhong wen yi si? 在长方形纸上画一个圆,可以把这张纸分为两个部分;画2个圆,最多能把这张纸分为4个部分.画3个圆,最多能把这张纸分为几个部分? 谁帮我估计一下英语四级成绩~听力12,听写单词没有对,句子都写了,快速9,选词填空6,精读6,完型12,翻译就一个正确,其余意思基本正确,无语法错误,作文还可以,能考多少~ 谁给我估计一下英语四级能考多少?听力12,听写单词没有对,句子都写了,快速9,选词填空6,精读6,完型12,翻译就一个正确,其余意思基本正确,无语法错误,作文还可以,能考多少~ What does he do on weekends? What does he do on weekends?用“他经常玩滑板”怎回答 What does he do on weekends?用“他经常玩滑板”怎样回答 I think this is against the____(法律). I know_______after drinking______against the lawA drive are B driving,areC driving,isD drive,is选择哪个,为什么 “What letter is a part of body? 猜一猜一个英语谜语:what letter is a part of body? What letter is a part of our body? do you know what letter is a part of the bodyDo you know what letter is a part of the body还有一个which letter is different between our and hour? 用“I need a girl friend”为首字母作英文藏头诗INEEDAGIRLFRIEND“Friend”如果觉得麻烦,可以不加上!I need a girl也可以! In fact,_______ one cause that leads to the problem.A.cattle is B.cattle are C.cattles are D.the cattles are Cars do cause us some health problems-in fact far more serious than mobCars do cause us some health problems--in fact far more serious( )than mobile phones do.为什么填ones? in the fact与in fact的区别在于? Cars do cause us some health problems--in fact far more serious( )than mobile phones do.A.one B.ones C.it D.those比较疑惑those